Dialog 특정 키 이벤트 막기
2009. 6. 30. 21:51
클래스 뷰에서 해당 클래스 선택
속성창에서 재정의 버튼 클릭
PreTranslateMessage 선택 오른쪽에 체크후 선택하면 자동으로 함수가 생성된다.
생성된 함수에 다음과 같은 코드를 추가한다.
if (pMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN && pMsg->wParam == VK_ESCAPE) {
return TRUE;
else if(pMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN && pMsg->wParam == VK_RETURN)
return TRUE;
else if (pMsg->message == WM_SYSKEYDOWN && pMsg->wParam == VK_F4) {
//return TRUE;
WM_KEYDOWN 은 키가 눌렸을때를 말하는 것이고
wParam 의 VK_~ 이건 Virtual Keyboard
아래부터는 키코드표
속성창에서 재정의 버튼 클릭
PreTranslateMessage 선택 오른쪽에 체크후 선택하면 자동으로 함수가 생성된다.
생성된 함수에 다음과 같은 코드를 추가한다.
if (pMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN && pMsg->wParam == VK_ESCAPE) {
return TRUE;
else if(pMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN && pMsg->wParam == VK_RETURN)
return TRUE;
else if (pMsg->message == WM_SYSKEYDOWN && pMsg->wParam == VK_F4) {
//return TRUE;
WM_KEYDOWN 은 키가 눌렸을때를 말하는 것이고
wParam 의 VK_~ 이건 Virtual Keyboard
아래부터는 키코드표
Symbolic constant | Hexadecimal value | Mouse or keyboard equivalent |
VK_LBUTTON | 01 | Left mouse button |
VK_RBUTTON | 02 | Right mouse button |
VK_CANCEL | 03 | Control-break processing |
VK_MBUTTON | 04 | Middle mouse button on a three-button mouse |
0507 | Undefined | |
VK_BACK | 08 | BACKSPACE key |
VK_TAB | 09 | TAB key |
0A0B | Undefined | |
VK_CLEAR | 0C | CLEAR key |
VK_RETURN | 0D | ENTER key |
0E0F | Undefined | |
VK_SHIFT | 10 | SHIFT key |
VK_CONTROL | 11 | CTRL key |
VK_MENU | 12 | ALT key |
VK_PAUSE | 13 | PAUSE key |
1519 | Reserved for Kanji systems | |
1A | Undefined | |
VK_ESCAPE | 1B | ESC key |
1C1F | Reserved for Kanji systems | |
VK_PRIOR | 21 | PAGE UP key |
VK_NEXT | 22 | PAGE DOWN key |
VK_END | 23 | END key |
VK_HOME | 24 | HOME key |
VK_LEFT | 25 | LEFT ARROW key |
VK_UP | 26 | UP ARROW key |
VK_DOWN | 28 | DOWN ARROW key |
VK_SELECT | 29 | SELECT key |
2A | Specific to original equipment manufacturer | |
VK_INSERT | 2D | INS key |
VK_DELETE | 2E | DEL key |
VK_HELP | 2F | HELP key |
3A40 | Undefined | |
VK_LWIN | 5B | Left Windows key on a Microsoft Natural Keyboard |
VK_RWIN | 5C | Right Windows key on a Microsoft Natural Keyboard |
VK_APPS | 5D | Applications key on a Microsoft Natural Keyboard |
5E5F | Undefined | |
VK_NUMPAD0 | 60 | Numeric keypad 0 key |
VK_NUMPAD1 | 61 | Numeric keypad 1 key |
VK_NUMPAD2 | 62 | Numeric keypad 2 key |
VK_NUMPAD3 | 63 | Numeric keypad 3 key |
VK_NUMPAD4 | 64 | Numeric keypad 4 key |
VK_NUMPAD5 | 65 | Numeric keypad 5 key |
VK_NUMPAD6 | 66 | Numeric keypad 6 key |
VK_NUMPAD7 | 67 | Numeric keypad 7 key |
VK_NUMPAD8 | 68 | Numeric keypad 8 key |
VK_NUMPAD9 | 69 | Numeric keypad 9 key |
VK_MULTIPLY | 6A | Multiply key |
VK_ADD | 6B | Add key |
VK_SEPARATOR | 6C | Separator key |
VK_SUBTRACT | 6D | Subtract key |
VK_DECIMAL | 6E | Decimal key |
VK_DIVIDE | 6F | Divide key |
VK_F1 | 70 | F1 key |
VK_F2 | 71 | F2 key |
VK_F3 | 72 | F3 key |
VK_F4 | 73 | F4 key |
VK_F5 | 74 | F5 key |
VK_F6 | 75 | F6 key |
VK_F7 | 76 | F7 key |
VK_F8 | 77 | F8 key |
VK_F9 | 78 | F9 key |
VK_F10 | 79 | F10 key |
VK_F11 | 7A | F11 key |
VK_F12 | 7B | F12 key |
VK_F13 | 7C | F13 key |
VK_F14 | 7D | F14 key |
VK_F15 | 7E | F15 key |
VK_F16 | 7F | F16 key |
VK_F17 | 80H | F17 key |
VK_F18 | 81H | F18 key |
VK_F19 | 82H | F19 key |
VK_F20 | 83H | F20 key |
VK_F21 | 84H | F21 key |
VK_F22 | 85H | F22 key
(PPC only) Key used to lock device. |
VK_F23 | 86H | F23 key |
VK_F24 | 87H | F24 key |
888F | Unassigned | |
VK_NUMLOCK | 90 | NUM LOCK key |
VK_LSHIFT | 0xA0 | Left SHIFT |
VK_RSHIFT | 0xA1 | Right SHIFT |
VK_LCONTROL | 0xA2 | Left CTRL |
VK_RCONTROL | 0xA3 | Right CTRL |
VK_LMENU | 0xA4 | Left ALT |
VK_RMENU | 0xA5 | Right ALT |
BA-C0 | Specific to original equipment manufacturer; reserved. See following tables. | |
C1-DA | Unassigned | |
DB-E2 | Specific to original equipment manufacturer; reserved. See following tables. | |
E3 – E4 | Specific to original equipment manufacturer | |
E5 | Unassigned | |
E6 | Specific to original equipment manufacturer | |
VK_PACKET | E7 | Used to pass Unicode characters as if they were keystrokes. If VK_PACKET is used with SendInput, then the Unicode character to be delivered should be placed into the lower 16 bits of the scan code. If a keyboard message is removed from the message queue and the virtual key is VK_PACKET, then the Unicode character will be the upper 16 bits of the lparam. |
E8 | Unassigned | |
E9-F5 | Specific to original equipment manufacturer | |
VK_ATTN | F6 | ATTN key |
VK_CRSEL | F7 | CRSEL key |
VK_EXSEL | F8 | EXSEL key |
VK_EREOF | F9 | Erase EOF key |
VK_PLAY | FA | PLAY key |
VK_ZOOM | FB | ZOOM key |
VK_NONAME | FC | Reserved for future use |
VK_PA1 | FD | PA1 key |
VK_KEYLOCK | F22 | Key used to lock device |
Original equipment manufacturers should make special note of the VK key ranges reserved for specific original equipment manufacturer use: 2A, DBE4, E6, and E9F5.
In addition to the VK key assignments in the previous table, Microsoft has assigned the following specific original equipment manufacturer VK keys.
Symbolic constant | Hexadecimal value | Mouse or keyboard equivalent |
VK_OEM_SCROLL | 0x91 | None |
VK_OEM_1 | 0xBA | ";:" for US |
VK_OEM_PLUS | 0xBB | "+" any country/region |
VK_OEM_COMMA | 0xBC | "," any country/region |
VK_OEM_MINUS | 0xBD | "-" any country/region |
VK_OEM_PERIOD | 0xBE | "." any country/region |
VK_OEM_2 | 0xBF | "/?" for US |
VK_OEM_3 | 0xC0 | "`~" for US |
VK_OEM_4 | 0xDB | "[{" for US |
VK_OEM_5 | 0xDC | "\|" for US |
VK_OEM_6 | 0xDD | "]}" for US |
VK_OEM_7 | 0xDE | "'"" for US |
VK_OEM_8 | 0xDF | None |
VK_OEM_AX | 0xE1 | AX key on Japanese AX keyboard |
VK_OEM_102 | 0xE2 | "<>" or "\|" on RT 102-key keyboard |
For East Asian Input Method Editors (IMEs) the following additional virtual keyboard definitions must be observed.
Symbolic constant | Hexadecimal value | Description |
VK_DBE_ALPHANUMERIC | 0x0f0 | Changes the mode to alphanumeric. |
VK_DBE_KATAKANA | 0x0f1 | Changes the mode to Katakana. |
VK_DBE_HIRAGANA | 0x0f2 | Changes the mode to Hiragana. |
VK_DBE_SBCSCHAR | 0x0f3 | Changes the mode to single-byte characters. |
VK_DBE_DBCSCHAR | 0x0f4 | Changes the mode to double-byte characters. |
VK_DBE_ROMAN | 0x0f5 | Changes the mode to Roman characters. |
VK_DBE_NOROMAN | 0x0f6 | Changes the mode to non-Roman characters. |
VK_DBE_ENTERWORDREGISTERMODE | 0x0f7 | Activates the word registration dialog box. |
VK_DBE_ENTERIMECONFIGMODE | 0x0f8 | Activates a dialog box for setting up an IME environment. |
VK_DBE_FLUSHSTRING | 0x0f9 | Deletes the undetermined string without determining it. |
VK_DBE_CODEINPUT | 0x0fa | Changes the mode to code input. |
VK_DBE_NOCODEINPUT | 0x0fb | Changes the mode to no-code input. |